i finished this project a while ago and here it is! i wanted to make a sign to put in the foyer with a meaningful quote that everyone could see when they walked in and out of the house. and i had already planned to have the butterflies next to the sign.
here are the
original butterflies that inspired me. the ones i did aren't exactly the same but i'm happy with the way they turned out.
since i explained how i made the butterflies in the
previous post i figure i would explain how i did the sign. first, i used a piece of wood i purchased at home depot. you would think with new stuff being remodeled in the house i would just have a piece of scrap wood but i kept forgetting and instead threw it away. but it wasn't much to purchase. i used white trim paint that we already had to cover it. i put little paint on the brush and did layers of dry brushing so that some of the original wood showed through. it looks better when it's not perfect. i even peeled some of the edges of the wood to give it more of an aged look.
then i used acrylic paint i bought from michael's called sage. i also dry brushed this and did a thin layer so the white showed though.
I picked the font i wanted to use on the computer, printed it out on two sheets of 8.5x11 and taped it together. then took tracing paper and traced the letters. once they were on tracing paper i taped the tracing paper to the board and transferred the traced letters to the board. painted the letters and a border.
lastly I had my guy put hanging hooks on the back of it. in case you are wondering this is what the piece of wood originally looked like.
here it is in the foyer with abby in the picture of course.