Tuesday, October 2, 2012

diy terrarium

i had been wanting to make a terrarium for a long time and was waiting for the right time and place to put it. i thought, why not have it be the center piece of the fire mantel. we have windows all over the house the living and dinning room get a lot of natural light. i followed martha stewart's succulents terrarium. i figured succulents are a bit more hearty and might stand a chance at my not so green thumb. i had about half the stuff already to make the terrarium. i bought a long square vase from home goods for $9.99. in our backyard we have a pebble pathway that was perfect for the bottom layer. i have tons of sparkly jewelry bits so i took a couple of those and added it to the mix. i used soil from our backyard plants. i bought sand from target in their decor section for $4.99. I didn't even use a quarter of it but already have in mind what i can do with it for another project. i found out michael's also has sand for cheaper and more options for terrarium decor. i used left over light green flat river rocks i bought a long time ago. I used one of the river rocks as the base for the miniature figurines of taz and abby. which lead me to actually adding taz and abby to the terrarium :) they sit there along with the small succulent i got at home depot. I tried to put two but there was only room for one. and just because, i grabbed a twig from a tree branch and added that in the background. i think taz and abby will be happy in their terrarium.


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